Egg Collection: Superior Handling
From the moment the eggs re laid on the special “soft-balanced” floor Facco knows how to take care of the eggs minimizing the egg breakage while reducing the egg collection time. From the LIFTER system to the “ultra copied never got it right ” NIAGARA all Facco systems allow to reach the egg room without any extra egg transfer thanks to the EGGWAY egg conveyor.
The egg is the most characteristic product of a poultry installation and for this reason Facco has always placed a lot of care and attention in the designing of the egg collection system. This as a result has produced equipment like the famous “Niagara” which is at the same time the “most copied never got it right” piece of equipment in the poultry industry. The Lifter system, designed to grant maximum reliability and the Eggway conveyor capable of ensuring reliability even when transporting eggs for long distances.
The Niagara has been subject since the last 40 years to a continuous and unceasing development. It is without any doubt the most copied piece of equipment in the world poultry industry (without never reaching the perfection of the original). It combines, with successful synthesis, collection speed, heavy duty, reliability reduced power consumption, reduced and easy maintenance and most of all a soft handling of the eggs essential characteristic to minimize eggs micro crack. Each transfer and each movement has been studied with care and experience.
The eggs coming either from the Niagara or Lifter they are carried to the egg processing centre by the conveyor “Eggway”.
Different models in order to have diverse capacity. Material of high quality, technical solutions to the state-of-the-art one, personalized studies of the eggs handling, all this to give the maximum satisfaction to the client. Facco is able to study and to furnish motorized tables for the management of the eggs flows in the processing centres.